Adventures of The Three Wazungus (in Denver, CO) (July 2023)

Wazungus are foreigners in Africa

Paddy, Jason and I (Phil) just completed a one day adventure in Denver!  This day was given to meeting the following three amazing people and learning about their work, while we continue to explore how best we can serve!

Hope Haven Rwanda

Susan Hollern, Founder 

Purpose: First, for Paddy / Phil and Susan to meet.

The second purpose was to discuss plans for a developing program at Hope Haven that will provide guidance and support for the Hope Haven student as they go on to college.

Background: As part of our September 2022 Africa trip, Jason and I visited Hope Haven. At that time they we nearing completion of a 185,000 sq. ft. expansion that included classrooms, dormitories, and an auditorium. This is a huge project and was completed in just 17 months! Susan founded Hope Haven Rwanda 11 years ago and ever since has been doing all she can to stay up with the needs for the next school year. The school now meets the educational needs of 1500 kids/students up to the 12th grade and with the next session will be adding close to 300 more.

For anyone visiting Kigali Rwanda Hope Haven is a must see.

Thoughts: Susan is an inspiring, dynamic, visionary leader whose faith is clearly in action. Her style is fast and direct and she has done this with a cultural sensitivity and trusted local leadership that serves as a model for others seeking to serve in Africa.

The concept of setting up a managed program to see high school graduates achieve a college degree is the next step in her vision, of raising up Godly leaders.

Action: Susan left us with reports and financial analysis on the program and Phil will review these and provide feedback in the coming days.

Project C.U.R.E 

Dr Douglas Jackson, President,

Reason: In recent weeks there has been discussion about PurposeBOX developing containerized medical service units. And Paddy has begun fulfilling a dream to establish medical clinics around the shores of Lake Malawi, they are currently building the second clinic.

This was Paddy and my first exposure to Project C.U.R.E. (Jason had visited before) and just understanding the scope, system and volume of their work also tools us up for future connections.

Background: Founded in 1987, Project C.U.R.E. has become the world’s largest receiver and distributor of donated medical supplies and equipment. Seven warehouses, 50 employees (unedited number) and more than 30,000 volunteers, work together to process, ship and receive all of this for 135 countries at the rate of more than 200 containers per year. Potential receivers are first visited by a Project C.U.R.E. representative and fully vetted for need and ability.

Dr Jackson and his team are having an amazing impact, improving the lives of developing people groups around the world.

Thoughts: Seeing the processing warehouse and understanding only a small part of the complex process was an experience. We thoroughly enjoyed sharing stories with Dr Jackson and realized as we witnessed his interactions with staff and volunteers making all this works in a fun and productive atmosphere.

Doug shared how God worked in founding the vision though his father (Dr James W Jackson) and his own path to becoming the leader of this dynamic impactful organization.

Action: Project C.U.R.E. is willing and able to be a supplier for H2O Malawi (Paddy’s work)! This development takes one of the big challenges off the table as Paddy and his team work through fulfilling this vision. As to our discussion on outfitting containers for portable medical procedure rooms the idea is feasible and the details need to be sorted.

Side Note: Paddy will be hosting 31 Doctors and medical professionals in Malawai in a few short weeks! Dr Diane Matsumoto and Jason Miller have been organizing annual medical care trips to Africa for many years, this will be their first to Malawi. Dr Matsumoto was gracious enough to set up this meeting with Project C.U.R.E.

Life Center Ethiopia

Tamrat Admassu,

Reason: Several months ago friends of mine suggested I meet Tamrat. We connected, I introduced him to a friend who is doing some business development in Ethiopia and we added his Ethiopian work to our list of places to visit for the trip we are planning for March of 2024.

Meanwhile Tamrat asked if we could help in choosing a solar/irrigation/ system for a rural location in Wag Hemra, Ethiopia.

Background: Tamrat led a group of fighters in the 1980’s that in 1991 overthrew the Ethiopian government. He became the Prime Minister, served for 4 years, then Deputy Prime Minster and Defense Minister up until 2000 at which time he was convicted of embezzlement and sentenced to 18 years in prison. For the next 12 years he was in solitary confinement, surviving poisoning and the pain of confinement. His wife and children escaped to Kenya and eventually the US.

Tamrat was an avowed Atheist, but taking advantage of the free time the prison provided he began to read and explore belief systems. After about 5 years, he experienced 3 consecutive visits/visions from Jesus Christ and set his path on following Him. At this point Jason, Paddy and I are feeling kind of insecure about our life stories! Today Tamrat speaks, teaches and is finishing up a book.

Life Center Ethiopia has 2 locations serving about 300 orphans and 280 widows. Their system is unique, rather than establishing a large compound they have groups of houses that each has a combination of orphans and widows. This creates kind of a mutual benefit system where the orphans have a mother figure and the widows have a renewed purpose. Tamrat’s wife Mulu is there now, she visits several times a year.

Thoughts: We three wazungus are constantly amazed at the people we meet. It’s always an honor. Tamrat’s life experience and transformation shows how our lives are transformed as we reach out in faith. We are in awe.

Action: We will reach out to several African based solar providers inquiring about solar irrigation systems. For needs like this having a local supplier is a must. And we look forward to a visit to Life Center next March!

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Phil Herndon

Founder & CEO of Container Solutions & PurposeBox

Africa Trip (May 2023)