From Poverty To Empowerment

Shipping containers with solar & food processing technology, providing an opportunity out of the desperate cycle of poverty.

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Breaking the cycle of poverty takes more than just money, it takes tools and instruction. PurposeBOX™ provides the tool and the instruction specifically tailored to each recipient.


 It takes 3 groups to make this happen.


A target village or group
is identified

They are accessed based on the known factors that have prevented them from breaking the cycle of poverty. Access to electricity, inability to process what they grow, limited competitive resources and people who can work with them for change. We know that when a PurposeBOX™ is set into a village and the leaders of that group work within the community to utilize the PurposeBOX to everyone's benefit positive change happens.


An investor/group willing to support the project

Too often missions organizations or NGOs provide ongoing support that improves the daily life in a village or group but does not set them on a path to independent living. Clean water, food, education, healthcare and safety are key elements for life. But if there is no 'work' component, no way to earn and prosper the village cannot become prosperous. A commitment to a PurposeBox™ is not a small undertaking for a support group, but the possibilities, opportunities and end game are worth it all.

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This entity has no other goal than to see the success of each of the installations we complete. What better legacy than to see a village transformed and prosperous all sparked by a basic shipping container that bridges the gap between poverty and independent empowerment.